Read Excerpts:
Q Fever
Preventing Urinary Calculi
Say No to Cottonseed in Goat Feed
Sample Illustrations:
Castration Hold
Hoof Trimming
Doe about to Kid
Handy Documents:
Goat Health Record
Download this handy form for recording problems, treatments, etc.
Goat Sales Contract
Download editable form (Microsoft Word .docx format).

This updated, 2nd edition of Goat Health Care will help you work more effectively with a veterinarian and tell you about:
- How to understand your goat and use your knowledge to identify potential problems
- Routine goat care tips and how-to?s, including feeding, hoof trimming, disbudding, giving injections, and more
- Breeding, pregnancy, kidding, and kid care
- Common and not-so-common goat health issues
- Veterinary medications and dosages used for goats
- Home remedies
- Natural and herbal care
- Geriatric goat care
- Dealing with end-of-life issues
- Other resources to help you keep your goats healthy
Goat Health Care, 2nd Edition, 262 pages. ISBN 978-1-7335274-0-8